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Press Release
January 26, 2022

World unique health initiative in Stockholm shows promising results for pre-diabetics already after 6 months

Sting company Health Integrator introduces digital health programs in collaboration with Region Stockholm.

Digital hälsoplattform för prevention av diabetes 2

The Stockholm region is the first in the world with a new type of investment that, in the long run, can free up billions for healthcare by preventing ill health. Type 2 diabetes is the first focus area. The initiative offers people in the risk zone for type 2 diabetes support in a digital health program. The first results from the follow-up blood tests are now reported. After six months, 43% of participants are no longer at risk for type 2 diabetes.

Pandemic restrictions increase sedentary lifestyles and new initiatives to improve public health are welcome. 925 people in Stockholm are now offered a unique opportunity to participate in a health program to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. The health program is clinically validated in a study conducted by Karolinska Institutet. In the program, participants get digital meetings with a personal health coach who supports them to make lifestyle changes. Participants also get access to a marketplace where they can choose products and services they can use to achieve their health goals. Friskis & Svetti's gym card is one of the popular choices among the participants.

The participants who participated for at least six months have now taken their first follow-up blood test to see the effect of the health program. Leif Persson is one of the participants who lowered his blood sugar so much that it is now at healthy levels, and no longer within the range for prediabetes (42-47 mmol / mol).

- When I started the program, I had an HbA1c of 43 mmol / mol and I was determined to improve my health. I met my coach regularly and set up a health plan that suits me. At the last blood test, my value was 37 mmol / mol. I am very happy in every way, says Leif Persson, one of the participants in the program.

After 6 months, 43% are no longer in the risk zone for diabetes type 2 The results of the follow-up blood test after six months show the following:

  • 62% have reduced blood sugar levels
  • 13% have unchanged blood sugar levels
  • 25% have increased blood sugar levels
  • The mean change in HbA1c is -1.13
  • 43% have reduced their long-term blood sugar levels to a value considered to be below the value for prediabetes, i.e. the precursor to type 2 diabetes (HbA1c 42-47 mmol / mol)
  • The average weight loss is almost 4 kilos

In a follow-up survey, participants were asked questions about their experience of the program and 8 out of 10 participants answered that they feel better after six months. The majority of the participants answer that they believe that they will succeed with a sustainable lifestyle change.

As a first step in making the service available to more users, it’s now being launched on Benefy and Wellnet, Söderberg & Partners' benefit portals, among others. Health Integrator's service is also made available to more regions in Sweden, to prevent both type 2 diabetes and other types of diseases. Should the investment be introduced at a national level, there is potential to free up many billions for welfare.

Read more about the health program and apply at




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